
Puffs Online Playbill

Patron Spotlight

Tom “TC” Cervone and Susan Creswell, are proud and pleased to support the WLU Theatre Program and the Hilltop Players. Both Susan and TC (1975 graduate of WLSC) have spent the vast majority of their respective and respected careers working in, advocating for, and investing in the non-profit art and culture industry.  Susan, as a visual artist, employed by the Knoxville Museum of Art, and TC, as an educator, administrator, and an occasional actor (when time permits and there isn’t a global pandemic) within the Department of Theatre/Clarence Brown Theatre, the professional LORT theatre in residence at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Susan manages the KMA gallery/gift shop, which serves as the primary hub for local artists to feature and sell their work. TC, too, labors, blissfully, each day, working from both sides of his brain, the left-side, fueling and minding (with MBA in hand) the administrative and fiscal fires within the Department of Theatre, and the right-side (with his MFA), in collaboration with the creative and dynamic artists within the Clarence Brown Theatre, producing relevant and impactful live theatre. TC has served on the WLU Foundation Board and currently and proudly serves as a member of the Board of Governors. Susan and TC are also proud parents of two sons, John and Jonathan, and over-the-moon honored to be grandparents to Amelia Blake Creswell.


Bill Brenner, in remembrance of his wife, Loretta “Lucky” Brenner.  Lucky graduated from West Liberty in 1965 and the following year married Bill Brenner. Lucky began her career as an English and art teacher, then went on to earn her Master of Social Work at Case-Western Reserve and spent the rest of her career as a social work professional in the Washington, D.C. area. Thanks to her lifelong mentor, Stanley Harrison, former Theatre Director at West Liberty (from 1962-1979), Lucky maintained her involvement with theatre as a member of the Chevy Chase Players.

At West Liberty, Lucky was a member of the Hilltop Players and performed in numerous plays directed by Stan, including the musical, Oklahoma, the role of Ensign Pamela Whitmore in South Pacific (April 1964), and leading role of Anne Sullivan in The Miracle Worker (November 1963). Stan and Lucky stayed in touch and met in New York City every few years, the last time in 2012, to see a production of Richard III, a play very familiar to both as Lucky played the role of Margaret, widow of King Edward VI, in the Hilltop Players production of Richard III in November 1964 under Stan’s tutelage.

Whether acting on the stage, working in a clinic, or spending time with family and friends, Lucky affected countless lives for the better. Lucky’s husband Bill wished to continue her positive impact through an extremely generous gift of $10,000 directed to West Liberty University’s Theatre Department in her memory and in honor of her mentor Stanley Harrison. West Liberty thanks Bill for his generosity and for sharing Lucky’s heartwarming story and the profound influence of her mentor, Stanley Harrison.


Director’s Note

My kids were just the right age to have been introduced to, and become infatuated with, the movie series that we are contractually not allowed to mention but have inspired this play. I could not count the number of times we would curl up on the couch and have a Harry marathon. However, before we started working on Puffs, I never really thought much about that house. I couldn’t name a single character, other than Cedric. They were forgettable characters, and when compared to ‘braves’, ‘smarts’, and even ‘snakes,’ the Puffs don’t seem that compelling.  I don’t know what house I would have been sorted into, but I would have bet it wouldn’t have been the Puffs. I wouldn’t have wanted it to be Puffs, because they seemed like friendly, but simple people who never really were very successful at anything other than being nice. 

But maybe that is what is the best thing about being a Puff. A Puff understands that above all else, the greatest way to measure success is by making a positive impact on others, bringing them joy. In a world like we have now, I really wish there were more people who believed a simple act of kindness provides a significant purpose.

Of course, this play is a zany, fast-paced jaunt through the famous books about ‘he-who-we-shall-not-legally-name.’ It is supposed to be fun and silly and frivolous. However, it is also a reminder that not only is it ok to be different; being different is to be celebrated. We are all unique with our own special purpose. It can be hard to see what that is sometimes, but as long as we remain kind to strangers, loyal to our friends, and patient with our enemies, as long as we take care of each other, good does conquer evil. 

This play is a story about a group of misfits who come together to learn and grow and support each other in good and bad times. A perfect metaphor for the WLU Theatre program. The student actors and technicians in this production have also come together to work and play and laugh and cry as we struggle to overcome the ‘budget-shortage-that shall-not-be-named’ and have created something that we hope you find inspiring, funny, and poignant. This rehearsal process has been filled with laughter, dancing, magic, and Puff-hugs. What you see on that stage is proof that friendship wins. Kindness wins. The Puffs win.  I hope that at least for the next couple of hours, you will proudly wave your little yellow flag and join me in proclaiming, “I’m a PUFF! Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii!”

Puffs: or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School for Magic

by Matt Cox

Originally Produced Off Broadway by Tilted Windmills Theatricals (John Arthur Pinckard / David Carpenter)

PUFFS was Developed in Part During a Residency with the University of Florida School of Theatre + Dance, Jerry Dickey, School Director.

Originally Produced Off-Off Broadway by Stephen Stout and Colin Waitt

“Puffs (Two Act Edition)” is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Samuel French, Inc.

Puffs: or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School for Magic and Magic runs 110 minutes with one fifteen (15) minute intermission.

Please silence and put away all phones as the noise (even vibrate) and light is bothersome to other patrons. Thank you.



Puffs: or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School for Magic

Cast List

Wayne Hopkins                                    Roman Hicks

Oliver Rivers                                         Shannon Shiflett

Megan Jones                                         Georgia Richardson

Narrator                                               Michael L. Aulick

Ernie Mac, and numerous others            Mason Stoll

Hannah, and numerous others               Isabella Costantini

Finch, and numerous others                   Benjamin Mounsey

Leanne, and numerous others                Klisty Snider

Sally Perks, and numerous others           Serena Smith

Susie Bones, and numerous others         Morgan Tusing

Cedric, , and numerous others               Asa Krinov

Prof McG, and numerous others             Dr. Melinda Kreisberg

Xavia Jones, and numerous others          Len Batson

Blondo, and numerous others                 Chloe Eltringham



Cast and Crew Bios

Traelynn Alton (Crew) is a freshman theatre major at West Liberty. She has done two shows on our stage: Measure for Measure as Mariana, and The Best Christmas Pageant Ever as Maxine. This is her first time ever exploring the tech side of theatre, and she is excited to learn more!

Michael L. Aulick (Narrator, and other) is a Professor of Theatre Biology at West Liberty University who has directed over 70 college productions.  He has enjoyed them all (not really) but this has to be up there in the top of the list of the ones that have been the most fun. It has also helped him find that LITTLE part of him that is a Puff. The cast and crew have been a delight in making this magical thing happen.

Len Batson (Xavia, Bippy, others) is a junior theatre major jumping into multiple roles in this production of Puffs or Seven Increasingly Eventful Years at a Certain School of Magic and Magic. Len has been involved in 11 shows, their favorites being Judy Boone in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime and Duke Vincentio in William Shakespeare’s Measure for Measure. They hope that you sit back, relax and enjoy the show. MAGIC EXIT!

Izzy Costantini (Hannah, Zac Smith, others) is a senior theatre major with a minor in dance. This is her 12th production and she worked off stage for two of them. A few of her favorite roles were Grace Bradley in The Best Christmas Pageant Ever and Soupy Sue in Urinetown: The Musical. She is an Alpha Psi Omega member and would like to thank her parents, directors, and everyone else who has helped her grow while at West Lib. This show means a lot to her because she would watch the movies with her mom, and it’s been a memory she holds onto closely. She may be a Slytherin, but she has found out that she can be a Puff once and a while. A quote she holds onto dearly from one of the movies is, “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” ~ Albus Dumbledore.

Daisy Deaton (Stage Manager) is a sophomore theatre major with a minor in creative writing, and she is delighted to welcome you to the wizard world of Puffs. Daisy is usually onstage for the Hilltop Players, but she enjoyed trying something new as the stage manager for this production. Outside of theatre, Daisy is active as an Admissions Ambassador, as well as a member of the Hilltop Singers, the poetry club, and Catholic Campus Ministry. Some of her recent roles for the Hilltop Players include Isabella in Measure for Measure, and Voice One in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time.

Joy Deaton (Costumer) is excited to see her work as costume designer come to life on the stage. She is a freshman, and although she is a history major, she has a passion for theater and is minoring in costume design. Recently she has played Mrs. Clark in The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, and Juliet/Sister Francisca in Measure for Measure for Measure. She hopes Puffs is as magical for you as it was for us to put it together.

Chloe Eltringham (Blondo, Mr. Bagman, others) is an English Writing & Rhetoric major in their first production in theatre; despite the learning curve they’re excited to perform. When asked about why they wanted to be a part of the production they stated, “I wanted to make memories and try something new, but honestly my friends and family pushed me towards taking any opportunity.” She plans on continuing her education after West Liberty pursuing a master’s in library sciences and supporting her fiancé in his business journey. “What’s life without any risk?” – Sirius Black

Roman Hicks (Wayne Hopkins) is a current senior theatre major who is incredibly excited to play the role of Wayne Hopkins in the Hilltop Player’s production of Puffs. Roman has been in nine prodiuctions, with some of his favorite roles being Angelo in Measure for Measure, Prentiss in Peter and the Starcatcher, and Billy Boy Bill in Urinetown: The Musical. Roman would like to thank their friends, professors, and directors for giving them an opportunity to bring Wayne to life and hopes everyone coming to see the show takes “a piece of magic” home with them. After all, “There is a little bit of Puff in all of us.”

Dr. Melinda Kreisberg (Professor McG, and others) is a Professor of Biology at West Liberty University who has participated with the Hilltop Players multiple times in the past. Her favorite memories from each show are the times spent working collaboratively with creative people. Her hope for everyone attending Puffs is to have a great time and leave realizing failure is not the end, but only the beginning of trying!’

Asa Krinov (Cedric, Voldy, others) is a freshman, minoring in theatre and definitely, surely, probably, maybe wrote his own bio, but someone must have made it disappear.

Kris Marosz (Sound) is a senior music technology major with an emphasis in live sound, sound design, and theatre sound. As sound head for the West Liberty production of Puffs, he is thrilled to aid in bringing the magic to life as it happens onstage. He is excited to return to the world of theatre after an internship at Capitol Theatre, where concerts are the norm. Prior to Puffs, Kris has done sound design for Peter and the Starcatcher and The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time.

Benny Mounsey (J. Finch Fletchly, Viktor, others) is a senior theatre major hailing from Bellaire, Ohio. He has been many productions at WLU; inculding Mr. Burns, A Post-Electric Play, Measure for Measure, Peter and the Starcatcher. When asked about the show he said, “I don’t think I’ve ever played a character like J. Finch. He reminds me of when I was a kid.” He also said: “the wizarding world holds a special place in my heart, because it’s the reason why I’m here” Benny explained how his parents met by swapping the books back and forth. He also told us that he’s a Hufflepuff, and his Patronus is a long hair cat. He said, “I couldn’t have asked for a better cast, I genuinely love you all.”

Georgia Richardson (Megan Jones) is senior theatre major (dance minor) from Newcastle, England. Georgia is also a student athlete on the women’s soccer team, an Alpha Psi Omega honors member, a SGA Senator, a herpetology society member and the WLU dance team manager. Puffs will be her 6th show on our stage; performing in Urinetown: The Musical, All In the Timing, The Dining Room, Peter and the Starcatcher, and The Princess and the Pea. Puffs holds the importance of being Georgia’s capstone performance before she graduates this May. She is excited to perform the role of Megan Jones, taking you through those ‘eventful’ seven years at a certain school for magic. Georgia would like to thank her friends, castmates, and professors for making her 4 years in the States unforgettable. She will treasure it all for a lifetime.  Thank you 🙂 “And now…let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure.“ ~ Albus Dumbledore

Shannon Shiflett (Oliver Rivers) is a senior theatre major.

Serena Smith (Sally Perks, Real Moody, others) is a current graduate student studying her Master of Arts in Education in Community and Organizational Leadership, but as an undergraduate, she was a theater minor at WLU where she performed in the Hilltop Players production of Radium Girls and The Laramie Project. Serena wants to thank Dr. Miriam Douglas, Coordinating Director of WLU’s Community Education Program, as well as Michael Aulick, Director of WLU’s Theater Department for their continued support both professionally and personally.

Klisty Snider (Leanne, Ginny, others) is a freshman who was a Criminal Justice Major but fell under the spell of the theatre program.  While she is a new theatre major, this is not her first show with the Hilltop Players. She was Assistant Stage Manager for Shakespeare’s Measure For Measure and performed as Beth Bradley in The Best Christmas Pageant Ever. She is excited to pursue a career in theatre. Leanne is one of Klisty’s all-time favorite characters to perform. Klisty is a Puff at heart and loves that she can share the Puffs’ magical side of the story with everyone. Hiiiiii!!!!!!

Mason Stoll (Ernie Mac, Certain Potions Teacher, others) is a music education major with a vocal emphasis. He plays eight roles in this show, kudos to you if you can spot them all. He’s just as much a Puff off stage as he is on, in a good way of course. He wonders if he is going to be typecast at WLU, as he has been cast as Friar Peter in the Hilltop Player’s Measure for Measure and Fat Friar in Puffs. Mason will keep doing shows with the Hilltop Players as long as he can justify leaving a practice room to go to rehearsal.

Morgan Tusing (Susie Bones, Harry, others and props designer) is a freshman technical theatre major at West Liberty. While Puffs is the first official play she’s worked on here, whenever there’s been help needed for the past shows she has been more than happy to help. Morgan has had an absolute blast working on the props and set and adding little details to everything when she can. All of the challenges and opportunities that have come up with this show could be described as a “magical experience.”





The Theatre Program is participating in the WLU Annual “Day of Giving” (ending on April 10th)

All proceeds from our Day of Giving Micro-campaign will go to scholarships for students to attend WLU and participate in the theatre program.

Please consider donating today to help make student loan debt disappear!

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