News and Media Relations

Food Pantry Grows


WEST LIBERTY, W.Va., Aug. 10, 2021 — Food insecurity among college students is a topic of concern across the nation and is considered a barrier to graduating. After all, it’s hard to study if you’re hungry.

Kate Billings encourages donations to the growing Food Pantry, please call her at 304.336.8580.

West Liberty University’s Student’s Activities office is addressing the ongoing problem of hunger by growing the on-campus Food Pantry for students.

“West Liberty always had a small amount of food available for students who might need it but over the summer, we’ve taken the time to update this space and increase our shelving and supplies. We still need donations of food and money if there are any members of the community willing to help us as we prepare to welcome our students back to campus this August,” said Kate Billings, Director of Student Activities and Title IX Coordinator.

The new and improved Food Pantry is designed to be a temporary, judgment-free place for students facing hard times, for example if they are running short of money for the month, or facing emergency situations, Billings explained.

Students are required to complete a one time in-take form upon their first visit to the Pantry, for data reporting and show their Student ID in order to pick up items.

Located on the second floor of the College Union, the pantry is easy to find in room S-17. Hours will be set up and monitored by Student Life Staff.

“Food insecurity has increasingly become an issue on college and university campuses and can pose a significant barrier to student success. Many students come to campus with limited resources and little experience managing their needs. Hunger makes it difficult to study, sleep or engage in academics and social activities at the same level as peers. The pantry is equipped to provide a variety of food and personal care items for our students in need,” she said.

“Oftentimes, it affects students living off-campus more than those in campus housing since these students don’t have a meal plan for our food service options. These same students may have chosen to live off campus because the cost of residential living was out of their reach, so this service is needed.”

To donate food or personal care products, please contact the pantry at or call Billings at 304.336.8580.

Monetary donations can be made to the Student Life account managed by the WLU Foundation.

“We also created a wish list on Amazon if you are able to donate that way. This is simple and greatly appreciated! Click on the link to see what food items our students would like to see in the pantry and thank you for considering supporting this Student Activities effort.” (Click secure link below.)

Amazon Wish List

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