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Message From President Greiner


Sept. 16, 2020

Dear Campus Community,

We’re now halfway through week number five of the academic year and I am grateful to everyone who has accepted the serious challenge of providing or receiving higher education during a pandemic.

Our positive cases of COVID-19 dropped this week to four active cases and we are 99.9% negative. We continue to have no positive cases found in our employees (includes faculty, staff and contract workers) during the recent mass testing.

Students, faculty and staff are wearing masks, social distancing, washing hands and avoiding large gatherings. Most of campus has completed the EverFi course on safety. These are all great steps towards keeping campus safe.

But we must do more. It is only through a team effort that we can stop the spread of COVID-19. Personal accountability is vital for our work to continue.

It’s important also to remember that flu season is approaching and I encourage everyone to get a flu shot this year. These can be obtained at your doctor’s office, your local pharmacy or by appointment, with our Student Health Services (x8049).

We want campus to remain open and we know our students value their on-campus experience, so please continue to do the right thing. When you are out in the community, use the same safety precautions that you do on campus.

We must all be leaders as we continue to fight against COVID-19. We must work together to continue to keep the Hilltop Home. West Liberty University is known for its winning attitude, its ability to face challenges, and its strength throughout its 183 years of existence. Please continue to be vigilant so that we can continue to prevail.

Best regards for your safety,



President Stephen Greiner

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