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Alumni Band at Homecoming – Saturday, October 8

Greetings WLU Band Alumni and Friends!

It’s time to show your pride! We are so excited to roll out the Alumni Band again here at Homecoming. OCTOBER 8th is Homecoming–not far away–and we hope you can join us for some easy-going, good-natured, low-stress, FUN and CAMARADERIE!

I cannot tell you how proud I am of what the band program has accomplished this fall. The Marching Band is, in a word, OUTSTANDING! You will be delighted with the progress this group is showing (and the FUN they are having and the BUZZ they are creating in the valley). They have grown by over 50% from last year just in terms of numbers, but even more importantly to me, and I know to you too, is that the quality of the product is even MORE than 50% better. We know that it’s not just about the numbers…but they sure help.

We want the Alumni Band to be a bit more fun and stress-free for you, so we are changing up a bit our approach to this event–so come one and all! Read on…

SATURDAY, October 8
8:00am Rehearsal of the HILLTOPPER FIGHT SONG and ALMA MATER and NATIONAL ANTHEM with the Alumni Band members only. On stage in College Hall (coffee and donuts provided).

9:30am The Alumni Band rides a “float” in the WLU Homecoming Parade and performs the FIGHT SONG. (This is the plan at present–I’m still trying to hunt down a trailer…ideas?)

11:00am Alumni Band is invited to the President’s Home for a reception/brunch.

12:15pm Alumni Band rehearses the National Anthem with the Hilltopper Marching Band on the Quad in front of Fine Arts (rain location announced later).

12:30pm Line up to “march” over to the stadium with the band.

12:45pm Enjoy the Pre-game performance of this year’s half-time show.

12:55pm Join the Marching Hilltoppers on the field for the National Anthem and Fight Song

1:00pm Kick-off. You are encouraged to stay with the band in the stands for the game–you can play the “stands” tunes and cheers with us as you feel fit!!

We encourage you to show your pride by wearing the Black & Gold (but it is not necessary!). A limited number of instruments are available for your use, but I would need to know that VERY soon. Please respond so that we know who’s coming (the President’s Reception especially will be most pleased to know how many to expect from our attendance). We hope you can all share this day with us. Please call or email me with questions. ALSO, please help in spreading the word to those that you know–you could even shoot me email addresses of folks that haven’t participated or gotten the word before.

Go Toppers, Go Toppers, GO!
Dr. Matthew Inkster
Director of Instrumental Activities

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