Department of Art Therapy and Counseling

Plexiglass Things

The sculpture of Columbus , Ohio’s Tyler Bohm will be on display from October 3 to October 25, 2012 in the Nutting Gallery.  His work is designed in a CAD program, and sent to a laser cutter that cuts the CAD file out of a sheet of plexiglas. It is then painted and  the resulting components on the reverse side  and re-assemble the work, mounting together several layers of plexiglas. The result are organic, layered and mysterious forms that suggest to the viewer subjects from the body, to the natural world to future tecnologies.

The opening reception was on Wednesday, October 3 2012, from 5:30-7:00 and photos of the opening can be viewed on the Nutting Gallery Facebook page. The show runs from September 5-September 27, 20112 with gallery hours: 8:30 – 2:30 PM, weekdays or by appointment.

Please direct questions to gallery director Robert Villamagna at 304-336-8370 or at You can follow the activities in the Nutting Gallery onFacebook.


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