Department of Art Therapy and Counseling

Dr. John Yiannias lectures on iconography


Lecture on Early-Christian and Byzantine Iconography

As part of Dr. Jeremy Larance’s “Graphic Literature: A Study of Sequential Art from Icons to Graphic Novels,” one of the Honors Program’s courses this fall, will be giving a lecture on iconography at St. John the Divine Greek Orthodox Church in downtown Wheeling on October 6th at 6 p.m. Dr. Yiannias is currently Professor Emeritus at the University of Virginia where he taught art history for over thirty years. He has written and edited several works related to Byzantine art, including The Byzantine Tradition after the Fall of Constantinople, an article on “Orthodox Art and Architecture” in A Companion to the Greek Orthodox Church, as well as several contributions to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America’s website.

The lecture is free and open to the public, so all students, faculty members, and staff are encouraged to attend. Also, there should be plenty of room, so please invite anyone else who would like to take advantage of this opportunity to hear a lecture from one of the country’s leading authorities on Byzantine art and architecture. Dr. Yiannias has been asked to speak for about 45 minutes to an hour, which should leave time for questions, as well as give everyone a chance to see the icons and architecture of the newly renovated St. John the Divine Greek Orthodox Church.

For more information, please direct all questions to Dr. Jeremy Larance at or 304-336-8195.

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