Department of Art Therapy and Counseling

Captive Corpulence in the Nutting Gallery

“Captive Corpulence,” the paintings by Stephen Haynes opens the 2011–2012 academic year in the Nutting Gallery. Haynes works in acrylics to create characters with elongated necks, corpulent bodies, tattoos, scars, and genetic malformations. Characters devoid of mouths who, with their eyes and expressions, are able to say much.

The opening reception scheduled for Wednesday, August 31, 5:30-7:00 PM. The show runs from August 31-September 22, 2011 with gallery hours: 8:30 – 2:30 PM, weekdays or by appointment.

Please direct questions to gallery director Robert Villamagna at 304-336-8370 or at You can follow the activities in the Nutting Gallery onFacebook.

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