Department of Art Therapy and Counseling

Extreme Art 2011


Extreme Art 2011 is quickly approaching. April 14th from 7 p.m. to 8 a.m. the Hall of Fine Arts will be buzzing with extreme art making, extreme creativity and extreme fun! The annual all night art event is an opportunity to try something new, hangout with faculty and students in a relaxed manner, enter a contest or two and create from sunset to sunrise. The events this year include:
  • Professor Padgett’s awesome Tower of Typography. I am not sure what this means but I know it will be amazing. This is a group project that will be fun and educational.
  • Create a skyscraper and help support the Florence Crittenten Foundation. Best team project wins a prize package worth over $100.00.
  • Photoshop your professors face challenge. Best image wins a prize!
  • Paint a mural. The Sam Starkey mural in the lobby will come down (and be retired) and will be replaced by a 60″ x 60″ canvas. Right now the canvas is blank and waiting for inspiration to strike. If you have an image you want to submit please bring it to me.
  • Tin plate illustration workshop. I will be conducting a workshop based on the techniques of illustrator Joel Nakamura. Most of the supplies will be provided and the workshop is free.  A sign–up sheet will be posted outside my office door by noon on Wednesday. There will be room for 12 attendees.
  • Models in costumes posing for drawing or painting sessions
  • Creighton Hill’s continuos comic panels. A comic will be started and passed around to all attendees of the event. Everyone will have the opportunity to contribute.
  • There will be mounds of junk food available. Domino’s Pizza will kick-off the night with free pizza at 7pm. Coffee and donuts will be available as morning approaches
  • This is an excellent opportunity to attend the Hilltop Players Production of “A Company of Wayward Saints.” The show starts at 7:30 and there will be plenty of activities to join in after the show.
  • Acoustic jam session starting around 11 pm. Bring your instrument and share your talent. If you don’t possess musical talent bring your joy of life and have fun!
  • Interesting films will be running after midnight. Submit your film or bring a film you want to share with the group. A list of films that will run and when will be posted by Thursday.
  • The building is open all night. Stay late and work on your homework
Unexpected things happen during Extreme Art. If you have an idea to contribute or are in need of a blast of inspiration, then Extreme Art is the event for you. If you stop in for a short visit or stay all night, you will enjoy yourself. This is our night to go full “artgeek.”


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