Alumni Affairs

Gerald P Huffman » Wall of Honor

ALUMNI “WALL OF HONOR” The West Liberty University Alumni Board of Directors instituted a project in 1990 to demonstrate to current students, visitors, and friends that the college has some very successful graduates. This project, known as the “Alumni Wall of Honor,” is a dramatic way to honor some of the college’s most distinguished alumni and display pride in the accomplishments of its graduates. The concept was suggested by then Associate Professor of Physics Robert W. Schramm, who is a 1958 graduate of the college and a 2002 Alumni Wall of Honor inductee. The Alumni Wall of Honor is housed in the south end of the Union known as the Alumni Lounge.

Gerald P Huffman

Inducted 2004
WLU: Graduated 1960work

Gerald Huffman is the Director of the Consortium for Fossil Fuel Science (CFFS) and a Research Professor of the Departments of Chemical and Materials Engineering and Physics and Astronomy at the University of Kentucky. The CFFS is a research consortium that includes participants from the University of Kentucky, West Virginia University, University of Pittsburgh, Auburn University, and University of Utah. Huffman is the author of 270 scientific publications, has been granted five patents, and has served as the principal investigator of over 40 research contracts with agencies of the Federal Government and industry. He is the editor of Fuel Processing Technology, an international technical journal published by Elsevier, and three conference proceedings volumes. He has received awards from three professional societies, has chaired six international symposia and several professional committees, and has served as the Chair of the Division of Fuel Chemistry of the American Chemical Society. His research program is focused on fossil energy, particularly on the development of technology to convert coal and natural gas into clean transportation fuels and hydrogen, and on environmental problems associated with the combustion of fossil fuels. Prior to joining the University of Kentucky, he worked as a research scientist at the U.S. Steel Corporation E.C. Bain Laboratory for Fundamental Research, where his group performed research on the magnetic and mechanical properties of metals and alloys, coal combustion technology, and analysis of lunar rocks returned by the Apollo missions.

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