Alumni Affairs

Dennis K Flaherty » Wall of Honor

ALUMNI “WALL OF HONOR” The West Liberty University Alumni Board of Directors instituted a project in 1990 to demonstrate to current students, visitors, and friends that the college has some very successful graduates. This project, known as the “Alumni Wall of Honor,” is a dramatic way to honor some of the college’s most distinguished alumni and display pride in the accomplishments of its graduates. The concept was suggested by then Associate Professor of Physics Robert W. Schramm, who is a 1958 graduate of the college and a 2002 Alumni Wall of Honor inductee. The Alumni Wall of Honor is housed in the south end of the Union known as the Alumni Lounge.

Dennis K Flaherty

Inducted 1999
WLU: Graduated 1967work

After receiving a Ph.D. degree from West Virginia University, Flaherty served as a faculty member at the University of Wisconsin Medical School. During a long career with the Monsanto Company in St. Louis, he was promoted to science fellow, a position held by fewer than 100 of the 31,000 employees. Flaherty is recognized internationally as an expert in immunotoxicology and edited a third book on toxicology. He also holds numerous technology patents. Flaherty is now an adjunct faculty member at the St. Louis University Medical School and a consultant to chemical and biopharmaceutical companies. His wife, Carol Shuba Flaherty, is also a graduate of West Liberty State College.

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