Alumni Affairs

Bill Beatty » Wall of Honor

ALUMNI “WALL OF HONOR” The West Liberty University Alumni Board of Directors instituted a project in 1990 to demonstrate to current students, visitors, and friends that the college has some very successful graduates. This project, known as the “Alumni Wall of Honor,” is a dramatic way to honor some of the college’s most distinguished alumni and display pride in the accomplishments of its graduates. The concept was suggested by then Associate Professor of Physics Robert W. Schramm, who is a 1958 graduate of the college and a 2002 Alumni Wall of Honor inductee. The Alumni Wall of Honor is housed in the south end of the Union known as the Alumni Lounge.

Bill Beatty

Inducted 2021

Beatty earned his bachelor’s degree in biology at West Liberty and went on to become a distinguished and well-known outdoor education specialist, naturalist and educator.

As Interpretive Naturalist for Oglebay Institute from 1972 – 1990, Beatty served at the A.B. Brooks Nature Center (now the Schrader Center), where he taught countless people of all ages about nature and natural history and led the Mountain Nature Camp for 12 years.

After he retired from the Oglebay position, he founded his consulting company, “Wild & Natural,” which specializes in nature and environmental programs, nature writing and nature photography. He has thousands of photos published in text books, magazines and other media.

From 1993 – 2008, Beatty was an instructor for the West Virginia Center for Professional Development where he taught innovative techniques to West Virginia teachers. Beatty also taught at West Liberty University for 16 years and guest lectured for many years and presented nature programs throughout the West Virginia State Park system.

He holds a Master Personal Bird Banding permit and has studied the breeding biology of Eastern Screech-Owls and the migration patterns of songbirds and Northern Saw-whet Owls. He is the author of “Bill and Bev Beatty’s Wild Plant Cookbook,” “Rainbows, Bluebirds and Buffleheads” and “Project Boys.”

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