Alumni Affairs

Michael (Mike) Price – 1978

To this day, I still have fond memories of my days at West Lib…as a student and as 4-year member of the baseball team. In all ways, my professors, classmates, and members of the baseball team contributed to who I am today…both as a person and as a writer.

Title: Murder on the Disoriented Express: How Laity May Be Killing Their Congregation

Synopsis of the book: Poling pastors nationwide, the book seeks to discover why the denomination that once lauded itself as the largest founded on America soul…the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)…has lost 50% of its membership over the past two decades. When the dust settles the results indicate 12 elements that may be contributing to the decline including a loss of spirituality and a loss of outside eyes among church members. Just when all seems lost, the author offers a comprehensive list of programs to assist churches of all sizes, settings, and denominations to better manage this increasing trend affecting nearly every mainline Protestant denomination.

The book is available on Amazon.

Thank you and go Hilltoppers!

Dr. Michael Price (BA ’78)

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